York Print is committed to conduct business in a socially responsible and ethical manner. It believes that businesses have a responsibility to make a positive contribution to the planet and its people.
York Print is committed to conduct business in a socially responsible and ethical manner. It believes that businesses have a responsibility to make a positive contribution to the planet and its people.
York Print sponsors free lunch food to various schools in the state of Assam.
We organize awareness programs from time to time in nearby schools and villages to spread awareness on hygiene, nutrition, safety and water conservation. Recently an educational workshop on Food and Nutrition was conducted in Madanpur MV School celebrating World Food Day.
Proper washrooms were constructed by YPPL at Madanpur MV School to promote and bring awareness on “Swachh Bharat Mission”.
Presently YPPL is building an Auditorium hall in nearby Khatanipara Village for village festival celebrations and gatherings for public awareness programs.
In order to protect the surrounding environment, YPPL yearly initiates a plantation drive on 5th June- World Environment day. Also we use and promote the use of recycled paper.
In addition to all of the above, YPPL ensures maximum economic and social development of all its employees by following ethical business practices and not tolerating any form of discrimination, intimidation, or harassment.